
About Ben Perdue


As far back as I can remember, I’ve loved naming the bones and muscles in the body. It was always my favorite topic in school, and I took every human anatomy, medical science, and biology course I could. This didn’t change as I left high school. At Emmanuel College in Boston, Massachusetts, I spent four years running year-round varsity track and cross country. I continued my education on the track, in the gym, and in the classroom, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a huge box of Coach’s Appreciation Awards I have no idea what to do with.

Following graduation, I knew I belonged in a hands-on setting. I started in the surgical intensive care unit at Tuft’s Medical Center in Boston, as a fully trained nursing technician. However, I couldn’t help but feel that so much of the suffering I witnessed was avoidable. There were so many injuries, complications, and illnesses stemming from lifestyles of personal neglect. I knew I wanted to help others avoid those situations, but it wasn’t until two years later that I would begin that phase of my career.

Only a few weeks after a move away from the city, a conversation with a manager of a local gym franchise led to an internship and eventually my first personal training job. It turned out that I had wandered into one of the most successful gyms in the region, and they took pride in educating and developing their coaches. I trained and maintained a large client base for three years, before moving locations to become a Training Director. It was in this role that I started to look deeper into how to ensure a client’s success. As the boss, I often took on clients with pain, injuries, or other risks. At one point, a 30-year-old client with an awful back injury told me that the previous night he had slept in his bed for the first time in two years. My mind was blown. I could not imagine how his life had been impacted by his pain, and that I had actually helped with what I thought was just a “common sense” training style. This and other similar experiences really lit a fire in me to empower others to overcome their struggles, whether they be weight, pain, stress, or trauma.


I believe deeply in the healing power of movement, and in tailoring training to the individual person in a way that enriches their life. The human body can reprogram, readjust, and adapt to defeat pain and dysfunction. Through positive lifestyle changes and genuine caring support, anyone can meet their goals. I am so excited to take my knowledge and skills, as I’ve had time to build, hone and distill them, to the Calgary community. To whomever I encounter, I offer you my best effort, my brainpower, my good nature, and our combined strength to see you accomplish what you didn’t know was possible.



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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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