At Unbounded U Fitness Inc., we offer 3 levels of nutrition coaching (listed in order of price):

1) Online Nutrition Coaching with Minimal Support: This program involves online daily habit based nutrition lessons via an app and website. Program also includes habit tracking and progress assessments. You will receive 1 a week email and messenger support from us.

2) Online Nutrition Coaching: This program involves online daily habit based nutrition lessons via an app and website, email and phone support, and bi-weekly coaching calls. Program also includes habit tracking and progress assessments. This level of nutrition coaching involves more support and interaction with your coach.

3) Nutritional Support: We also support your health and fitness goals, through supplements when appropriate. For many clients, the combination of habit-based nutrition coaching and supplements is the best approach.

Contact us for more info about the best approach for you.

We work with clients of all ages, in all life stages, and health conditions to help them feel good in their bodies again. We offer a variety of programs that offer in-home, online, or hybrid personal training and nutritional coaching. We work with you to create a sustainable lifestyle change that will improve your overall quality of life.


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

Our socials